
Welcome to West Hatch Media Home Page.

On the navigation bar to the right you will find links to other West Hatch Media blogs as well as useful sites to visit which will help you with your studies.

If you have any comments to help make this blog better then please pass them on to Mrs Horne.

Happy blogging!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


It seems that many of you are cracking on really well with your research and planning, but you should all be moving towards the next stage - actually putting your ideas together based on your analysis of real media products! So, get storyboarding and drafting to see your ideas take shape.

Remember to keep your blogs up to date and to name any post that you are individually responsible for! You don't want someone else getting the credit for all of your hard work!

Those of you using scrapbooks still need some form of electronic record, even if it is just a list of tasks set and your own group deadlines.

Happy days!